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Alessandro and Taylor successfully defended their PhD thesis

October 2019 was a memorable month for the McNeill group. Not less than two PhD students defended their work. On October 23th, Alessandro Manfrin defended his thesis on “Photochemical Processes of Natural and Antrophogenic Contaminants Relevant to the Environment”. Less than a week later, on October 29th, Taylor Fred Nelson presented and successfully defended his work on “Biodegradation of synthetic polyesters in soils: process elucidation using advanced analytical approaches”. Congratulations!

Taylor's defense was the last one for a while, a whole generation of PhD students have now closed their chapters here at ETH and move on to their next steps. Generation 2015 (f.l.t.r in the picture: Christine, Alessandro, Capo, Taylor and Caroline. Markus is missing in the picture as he has already started a new job in Tübingen.) says goodbye, we had a great time at ETH!

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